Wednesday, March 25, 2009

NEWS: Google in the clouds

KUALA LUMPUR: Google is moving beyond its trademark search engine offering for the online consumer and is making further headway towards providing services for businesses.

The company is pushing its cloud computing solutions for businesses as a viable alternative to traditional offline hardware.

Google has already launched such web-based services for businesses with Google Docs and Google Mail.

“We believe that there are significant advantages to this new way of operating a business,” said director of Google’s enterprise marketing division Bill Rossi.

“Not least of which is the cost savings on IT infrastructure. It does not cost us very much, for example, to add a few hundred e-mail clients to Google Mail as we already have the infrastructure for millions.”

Rossi went on to say that worries over losing information when the Internet crashes are inflated as data will be cached locally with this service.

However, Rossi admitted that the performance of the cloud would depend much on the performance of the network.

“We are fully aware that the broadband speed in countries such as Malaysia is not as high as in the United States or Europe.

This could be an issue now but we do see our cloud solutions as a plan for the future because broadband will definitely improve over time,” Rossi said.

Google Enterprise, the division of Google that is responsible for providing these cloud solutions for businesses, has a customer base that is increasingly exponentially according to Rossi.

“Various editions of Google Apps now have more than one million businesses worldwide currently using them with 3,000 new businesses signing up everyday.

“Obviously this is a growing trend and the benefits are becoming more commonly known,” Rossi said.

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