Saturday, March 7, 2009

NEWS: Another business option

GETTING involved in a business venture might be an exciting thought for many people.

Opportunities abound for those who are enterprising enough and willing to take up the challenges and risks in the business world.

The advent of the Internet opens up a good avenue for getting involved in a business. The global reach of the Web provides business-minded people with a large audience that they can tap into.

Online businesses have mushroomed across the globe. Products and services are traded daily at Internet speed. And many have found success through the online business mechanism.

Another platform emerging as a possible money-making venture is the blog, or online journal. Business blogging, or selling through blogs, is certainly catching on. Blogs have become effective marketing tools today, not only for large outfits and small and medium-sized companies but also for individuals.

This is hardly a surprise. From the start, blogging has the ingredients for a profitable venture: A loyal band of followers translates into steady Internet traffic. This eventually attracts advertisers and, in turn, revenue.

For the smaller companies and individual bloggers, business blogging is regarded as an inexpensive marketing tool and a way to differentiate themselves from the competition. The tool costs little or close to nothing to use. Additionally, it is a good way to be heard and stand out from the crowd.

Besides benefiting from advertising revenue, a growing number of bloggers are selling products and services. Starting with a circle of close friends and expanding to other people acquainted through the blogs, the prospects for business blogging look good.

While there are many who are sceptical about the effectiveness of selling through blogs, the fact remains that there are those who have been successful in this endeavour. Although the number might not be big, it is proof that business blogging can work – with the right approach and strategy.

It has been said 99 out of 100 people cannot make a decent living from blogging yet. But for those who relish the challenge, it might be worth a try. You could be that one among the 100 who can.

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