Monday, February 22, 2010

NEWS: Facebook Buys Malaysian StartUp Only To Close It Down

Facebook has hit the headlines again thanks to its latest acquisition of Malaysian-based Octazen Solutions. This comes in as Facebook's third only acquisition, after FriendFeed and Parakey.
Facebook purchased the tiny company for an undisclosed amount just a week ago, and while nothing is known about the little startup, we can see from their website that they develop applications which allow social network users to import their contacts from other services.

Facebook reports that the purchase is purely a talent acquisition, and that the 2 guys behind Ocatazen are now employed by Facebook, closing Octazen down.

The Octazen website has paused its operations preventing new users from signing up, we can only assume this is due to the migration over to Facebook. However they state that they will retain their existing user contracts.

It would be interesting to know exactly what Facebook wishes to gain from this acquisition, and the 2 new guys on their payroll.

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